on 1:INVITE:#:/.auser =101 $nick | /.guser =102 $nick 3 | /.timer 1 5 /.ruser $nick | /set %ivchan $chan | /set %ivnick $nick | /echo 3 -a You have been invited to $chan by $nick $+ ! Press F3 to join $chan $+ , Shift-F3 to Invite-Ignore $nick $+ , or Ctrl-F3 to MAX-Ignore $nick $+ . | /halt
on +101:INVITE:#:/.auser =102 $nick | /.guser =102 $nick 3 | /.timer 1 5 /.ruser $nick | /set %ivchan $chan | /echo 3 -a You have been invited to $chan by $nick $+ ! Press F3 to join $chan $+ , Shift-F3 to Invite-Ignore $nick $+ , or Ctrl-F3 to MAX-Ignore $nick $+ . | /halt
on +102:INVITE:#:/ignore -i $nick 3 | /echo 4 $me $nick at $address tried to invite flood you! [C-Script FlOoD PrOtEcTiOn]
#INVITEfloodpro end
#floodpro off
on @+1:TEXT:*:*:/.auser 300 $nick | /.timer 1 5 /.ruser $nick
on @+12:TEXT:*:*:/.auser 300 $nick | /.timer 1 5 /.ruser $nick
on @+14:TEXT:*:*:/.auser 300 $nick | /.timer 1 5 /.ruser $nick
on +300:TEXT:*:*:/.auser 301 $nick | /.timer 1 5 /.ruser $nick
on +301:TEXT:*:*:/.auser 302 $nick | /.timer 1 5 /.ruser $nick
on +302:TEXT:*:*:/.auser 303 $nick | /.timer 1 5 /.ruser $nick
on +303:TEXT:*:*:/.auser 304 $nick | /.timer 1 5 /.ruser $nick
on @+304:TEXT:*:*:/set %fdpron $nick | .auser =12 %fdpron | .guser =12 %fdpron | kick $chan %fdpron [C-Script FlOoD KiCk] Get out of Here! [C-Script FlOoD PrOtEcTiOn] | notice %fdpron %FLOOD2 | closemsg %fdpron | ignore -au10 %fdpron 3
on @+1:ACTION:*:*:/.auser 300 $nick | /.timer 1 5 /.ruser $nick
on @+12:ACTION:*:*:/.auser 300 $nick | /.timer 1 5 /.ruser $nick
on @+14:ACTION:*:*:/.auser 300 $nick | /.timer 1 5 /.ruser $nick
on +300:ACTION:*:*:/.auser 301 $nick | /.timer 1 5 /.ruser $nick
on +301:ACTION:*:*:/.auser 302 $nick | /.timer 1 5 /.ruser $nick
on +302:ACTION:*:*:/.auser 303 $nick | /.timer 1 5 /.ruser $nick
on +303:ACTION:*:*:/.auser 304 $nick | /.timer 1 5 /.ruser $nick
on @+304:ACTION:*:*:/set %fdpron $nick | .auser =12 %fdpron | .guser =12 %fdpron | kick $chan %fdpron [C-Script FlOoD KiCk] Get out of Here! [C-Script FlOoD PrOtEcTiOn] | notice %fdpron %FLOOD2 | closemsg %fdpron | ignore -au10 %fdpron 3
on @+1:NICK:/set %nfnick $nick | set %nfnnick $newnick | set %nfnad $address | .guser 400 %nfnnick 3 | .timer 1 4 .ruser %nfnnick 3 | if ($chr(124) !isin $nick) { write -c $mircdirseen\ $+ $nick $+ .txt /.timer20 off | write $mircdirseen\ $+ $nick $+ .txt /notice %dol I've seen $nick ! ( $address ) I last saw $nick , $day $adate $atime changing their nick to $newnick }
on @+12:NICK:/set %nfnick $nick | set %nfnnick $newnick | set %nfnad $address | .guser 400 %nfnnick 3 | .timer 1 4 .ruser %nfnnick 3 | if ($chr(124) !isin $nick) { write -c $mircdirseen\ $+ $nick $+ .txt /.timer20 off | write $mircdirseen\ $+ $nick $+ .txt /notice %dol I've seen $nick ! ( $address ) I last saw $nick , $day $adate $atime changing their nick to $newnick }
on @+14:NICK:/set %nfnick $nick | set %nfnnick $newnick | set %nfnad $address | .guser 400 %nfnnick 3 | .timer 1 4 .ruser %nfnnick 3 | if ($chr(124) !isin $nick) { write -c $mircdirseen\ $+ $nick $+ .txt /.timer20 off | write $mircdirseen\ $+ $nick $+ .txt /notice %dol I've seen $nick ! ( $address ) I last saw $nick , $day $adate $atime changing their nick to $newnick }
on +400:NICK:/set %nfnick $nick | set %nfnnick $newnick | set %nfnad $address | .ruser %nfnick | .guser 401 %nfnnick 3 | .timer 1 4 .ruser %nfnnick 3 | if ($chr(124) !isin $nick) { write -c $mircdirseen\ $+ $nick $+ .txt /.timer20 off | write $mircdirseen\ $+ $nick $+ .txt /notice %dol I've seen $nick ! ( $address ) I last saw $nick , $day $adate $atime changing their nick to $newnick }
on +401:NICK:/set %nfnick $nick | set %nfnnick $newnick | .ruser %nfnick 3 | .guser 402 %nfnnick 3 | .timer 1 4 .ruser %nfnnick 3 | if ($chr(124) !isin $nick) { write -c $mircdirseen\ $+ $nick $+ .txt /.timer20 off | write $mircdirseen\ $+ $nick $+ .txt /notice %dol I've seen $nick ! ( $address ) I last saw $nick , $day $adate $atime changing their nick to $newnick }
on @+402:NICK:/kick $chan $nick Nick Flood Detected! | .ruser $nick 3 | if ($chr(124) !isin $nick) { write -c $mircdirseen\ $+ $nick $+ .txt /.timer20 off | write $mircdirseen\ $+ $nick $+ .txt /notice %dol I've seen $nick ! ( $address ) I last saw $nick , $day $adate $atime changing their nick to $newnick }
on @+1:JOIN:#:/.guser 71 $nick 3 | .timer 1 3 .ruser $nick 3 | if ($chr(124) !isin $nick) { write -c $mircdirseen\ $+ $nick $+ .txt /.timer20 off | write $mircdirseen\ $+ $nick $+ .txt /notice %dol I've seen $nick ! ( $address ) I last saw $nick , $day $adate $atime on $chan }
on +71:JOIN:#:/set %jfloodnick $nick | .ruser %jfloodnick 3 | .guser 72 %jfloodnick 3 | .timer 1 3 .ruser %jfloodnick 3 | if ($chr(124) !isin $nick) { write -c $mircdirseen\ $+ $nick $+ .txt /.timer20 off | write $mircdirseen\ $+ $nick $+ .txt /notice %dol I've seen $nick ! ( $address ) I last saw $nick , $day $adate $atime on $chan }
on @+72:JOIN:#:/set %jfloodnick $nick | set %jfloodchan $chan | .ruser %jfloodnick 3 | ban %jfloodnick 3 | kick %jfloodchan %jfloodnick MASS JOIN [C-Script CLoNe PrOtEcTiOn] | if ($chr(124) !isin $nick) { write -c $mircdirseen\ $+ $nick $+ .txt /.timer20 off | write $mircdirseen\ $+ $nick $+ .txt /notice %dol I've seen $nick ! ( $address ) I last saw $nick , $day $adate $atime on $chan }
#FLOODpro end
#vote off
on 1:TEXT:*YES*:?: { if (á $+ $nick $+ á isin %voters) { /notice $nick I'm sorry $nick, You have already voted! | /halt } | else { %voters = %voters $+ $nick $+ á | /inc %vyes | /notice $nick Thank you for voting Yes... Stay tuned for the results! } }
on 1:TEXT:*NO*:?: { if (á $+ $nick $+ á isin %voters) { /notice $nick I'm sorry $nick, You have already voted! | /halt } | else { %voters = %voters $+ $nick $+ á | /inc %vno | /notice $nick Thank you for voting No... Stay tuned for the results! } }
#VOTE end
#autotalk off
on 1:TEXT:hello:#:/msg $chan Hello $nick! How are you?
on 1:TEXT:Hello Everyone:#:/msg $chan Hello $nick! How are you?
on 1:TEXT:Bye Everyone:#:/msg $chan Bye $nick! Take care!
on 1:TEXT:Hi all:#:/msg $chan Hello $nick! How are you?
#groupshoot off
on @+98:TEXT:*:#:/kick $chan $nick NoiseKick at $day $atime ( $+ $1- $+ ) | /echo 3 -a [NOISE KICK] You kicked $nick off $chan for talking there. | /notice $nick NoiseKickBan now activated for $nick ... | /notice $chan NoiseKickBan now activated for $nick ... | /.ruser =98 $nick 3 | /.guser =99 $nick 3
on @+99:TEXT:*:#:/ban $chan $nick 3 | /kick $chan $nick NoiseKickBan at $day $atime for making noise AGAIN! | /echo 3 -a [NOISE KICKBAN] You kickbaned $nick of $chan again. | /.ruser =99 $nick 3 | /.auser =999 $nick | /.guser =999 $nick 3 | /notice $nick You are [ShootListed]
=999:*: { if ($nick ison $chan) { ban $chan $nick 3 | kick $chan $nick SHOOTLISTED | ignore -a $nick 3 } | else { ignore -a $nick 3 } }